Family of young South Shields organ donor urge others to sign up

Jack Leggett saved the lives of three people after his death when his organs were donated.Jack Leggett saved the lives of three people after his death when his organs were donated.
Jack Leggett saved the lives of three people after his death when his organs were donated.
The family of a nine-year-old boy who courageously donated his organs to save lives following his death is calling on others to sign up to a life-saving register.

Figures by the Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report for 2014/15 revealed a drop for the first time in 11 years in the number of people donating organs.

Statistics released showed the number of transplants had decreased from 4,655 in 2013/14 to 4,431 in 2014/15. This meant 224 fewer people received an organ transplant.

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Ahead of NHS Blood and Transplant’s organ donation awareness drive which will run from September 5 to September 11, the family of Jack Leggett is calling on others to seriously think about becoming an organ donor.

Jack died two days before Christmas 2013, within months of being diagnosed with a brain tumour. His family consented to his organs being donated helping to save lives.

Dad Alfie from Primrose Avenue, South Shields, said: “It is really heartbreaking to lose a loved one and donating their organs is not going to take the pain away but knowing your loved one has saved someone’s life does bring some comfort.”

Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation said “We hope people across the UK will get behind the week and the opportunity it presents to focus people’s attention on organ donation.

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People waiting for transplants depend on people being willing to donate their organs and sadly on average three people die every day across the UK due to a shortage of donated organs.”

To sign the register visit