Shields Gazette readers' thumbs down to giving up their car to fight climate change

Would you give up your car to fight climate change?Would you give up your car to fight climate change?
Would you give up your car to fight climate change?
Shields Gazette readers say they would have to see big improvements to public transport before giving up their cars.

Our poll asked if you be would be willing to go without personal transport as part of the fight against climate change.

And a whopping 88 per cent said they were NOT ready to make the sacrifice.

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Just 12 per cent said they were prepared to give up their wheels.

Lack of reliable public transport was the overwhelming reason.

Tina Lewis said: "Would love to but bus and Metro taking nearly an hour to get from Jarrow to Whitburn when in my car it takes 15mins, it is not practical with my own son to get to school.

Michael Grimes added: "Shift work, safe transport of children, spontaneous emergency trips, people with mobility issues. All can’t be accommodated with public transport.

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John Dolan thought public transport was too expensive and not reliable enough: "Lower the cost and improve public transport," he said.

Some people were sceptical about the climate warnings, while others felt Britain's efforts were pointless while major polluters carry on regardless.

Anthony Robinson said: "Climate change is a big con but I do think we need to clean up our acts a bit," while Chris Batchelor wrote: " Why when the UK has one of the smallest foot prints? Why not make countries that are the biggest polluters change their ways (India, China and America) instead of hitting the public?" and Jean Drummond added: "Possibly - when everybody else stops flying!!!!"