Did you work at Plessey's? Check out these old pictures

Staff from the Plessey's plant in South Shields back in the 1980s. Do you recognise anyone?Staff from the Plessey's plant in South Shields back in the 1980s. Do you recognise anyone?
Staff from the Plessey's plant in South Shields back in the 1980s. Do you recognise anyone?
After our recent story on the reunion of former workers from Plessey's in South Shields, I've been sent some great pictures from back in the day, which it's my pleasure to share with you.

The photos were sent by Lynda (Tyrie) Lamb, who, along with Fran (Kane) Manson and Ann (Morgan) Blacklock, helped organise the reunion night, held at Brigham’s Club.

Lynda said: “There were about 60 people there, which we were delighted with.”

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Staff from the Plessey's plant in South Shields back in the 1980s. Do you recognise anyone?Staff from the Plessey's plant in South Shields back in the 1980s. Do you recognise anyone?
Staff from the Plessey's plant in South Shields back in the 1980s. Do you recognise anyone?

Now there are plans afoot to arrange another reunion event, when it is hoped that even more ex-staff members go along and share their recollections.

In the meantime, can you identify any of the workers pictured in this week’s nostalgia spread?

• We’d love to hear your memories of working at Plessey. Email me at [email protected], call 501 7476, or write to me at Alexander House, 1 Mandarin Road, Rainton Bridge Business Park, Houghton, Sunderland, DH4 5RA.

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