Description released by police of Metro sex attacker

Fellgate Metro Station.Fellgate Metro Station.
Fellgate Metro Station.
Police investigating a sexual assault in Fellgate have today released an updated description of the alleged attacker.

The incident happened at just before 9am yesterday morning at Fellgate Metro Station, in Durham Drive.

A man approached a 25-year-old woman and grabbed her bottom.

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The offender is described as white, 5ft 7-8 inches tall, late 20s to early 30s and of slim build.

He spoke with a local accent and had light blue eyes.

He was wearing a dark fleece hat and had a scarf around his neck and lower face which had thick vertical stripes, as well as a dark grey zip up tracksuit top and dark grey jogging bottoms and trainers.

The man was riding a dark adult size mountain bike at the time he carried out of the attack.

Any witnesses are asked to contact Northumbria Police on 101 quoting reference 223 160118 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.