This is why police say there has been a drop in anti-social motorbike riders in South Shields

The DNA spray is being used to tackle rogue motorbike ridersThe DNA spray is being used to tackle rogue motorbike riders
The DNA spray is being used to tackle rogue motorbike riders
Police say arming officers with an innovative DNA spray to tackle rogue motorbike riders has seen incidents plummet by up to 70%.

In September last year, officers in Sunderland and South Tyneside began carrying Selecta DNA canisters as part of a crackdown on individuals illegally riding off-road motorbikes and mopeds.

The pilot, which was supported by Sunderland City Council and South Tyneside Council, followed concerns raised by residents who felt intimidated or unsafe as a result of anti-social behaviour associated with off-road bikes.

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The water-based tagging spray can mark equipment, clothing or skin with a uniquely-coded, invisible dye that provides forensic evidence to link individuals or items to a specific crime.


Since the launch of the pilot, officers have seen a 70% reduction in reports of motorbike-related anti-social behaviour in South Shields.

Chief Inspector Sam Rennison, of Northumbria Police, believes the DNA spray is acting as a significant deterrent to riders.

“The figures are incredibly encouraging and it is no coincidence that we have seen a significant decrease in reports of motorbike-related anti-social behaviour across the board since the DNA spray pilot was introduced.

“Quite simply, our message is getting out there. Those who ride around on bikes committing crime realise our officers are now carrying this equipment, which can be used as evidence.”