South Tyneside man fined for swearing at his girlfriend’s neighbour in on-going row

The case was heard at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court.The case was heard at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court.
The case was heard at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court.
A man has been fined for swearing at his girlfriend’s neighbour.

Gary West, 34, of Frobisher Street, Hebburn, stood in the street and called the woman various names on Saturday, June 8, South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court heard.

Prosecutor Jeff Taylor said West had not been charged with using any specific words, but with those classed as being of an insulting and abusive nature.

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He added: “The background appears to be something of an issue between this gentleman and the family who live in relatively close proximity to each other.

“They have dogs and it’s said that a woman was at home when she hears barking and looks outside and sees that he was calling her names.

“She told him to move away from house, which he does, but he returns and there’s more shouting from the street.

“Police don’t speak to him until November when he is summoned.”

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Val Bell, defending, said: “It goes back to the eighth of June. There’s an ongoing issue between Mr West’s girlfriend, who lives in the same street as this person.

“She’s made numerous complaints to the council about this woman and this woman has made numerous complaints about her.

“He does accept that he used language that was inappropriate, and he does accept that he directed swear words at the lady in question.”

West, who pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive or insulting words to cause harassment, alarm or distress, was fined £120 and ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £30 victim surcharge.