Police release CCTV images after violent assault on Metro between Pelaw and Fellgate on the Sunderland line - police say conflict began over face coverings

The images released by British Transport PoliceThe images released by British Transport Police
The images released by British Transport Police
Police investigating a violent assault on the Metro have released images of people the wish to speak to in connection with the incident.

British Transport Police said it happened between Pelaw and Fellgate Metro stations at around 4.15pm on Sunday, May 2.

Officers said the victim challenged three male passengers about not wearing a face covering.

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One of the men tried to remove the victim’s mask and an altercation took place which involved the victim being punched.

The other men and members of the public intervened, before a fourth man removed his belt and began to strike those involved, police said.

The victim had to attend hospital, suffering a fractured cheekbone and fractured ribs.

Officers believe the men in the images may have information which could help their investigation.

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If you recognise them, or have any information, please contact BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 331 of 02/05/21.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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