Killer admits causing death of South Shields man Noel Reynolds in one-punch attack

Noel Reynolds.Noel Reynolds.
Noel Reynolds.
A killer has admitted manslaughter after a man died weeks after a one-punch attack.

William Longworth punched Noel Reynolds in December last year, in the area of Balkwell Avenue, North Shields.

Mr Reynolds, 37, of South Shields, was taken to hospital and remained in an unresponsive state until he passed away on January 3.

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At Newcastle Crown Court, Longworth, 36, of Gunnerton Place, North Shields, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and perverting the course of justice.

William Longworth.William Longworth.
William Longworth.

His partner, Marie Office, 37, of the same address, appeared in the same dock and admitted perverting the course of justice by allegedly giving Longworth a false alibi.

They were both granted bail until December 22, when they will be back in court to be sentenced.

Speaking earlier this year, Detective Inspector Louise Jenkins, of Northumbria Police, said: "Our thoughts remain with the loved ones of Noel and we will continue to offer his family specialist support while they continue to come to terms with what has happened.”