Former bar worker who sent sex video of woman to friend over Facebook Messenger gets prison sentence

Robert CollyerRobert Collyer
Robert Collyer
A former bar worker who sent a sex video a woman to her friend over Facebook messenger has been jailed.

Robert Collyer had warned the woman he would distribute intimate images of her to her friends, family and even to her gym after they fell out.

He also issued shocking threats of violence and death.

Prosecutor Jolyon Perks told Newcastle Crown Court the details of Collyer’s offending.

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He said the defendant pestered the woman by phone and Instagram message and added: "She got a Facebook message from her friend saying he had sent her a video.

"It was a sexual video of the complainant."

The court heard Collyer, who previously worked at a pub in the South Tyneside area, sent a second video later that day containing more footage, over Facebook messenger.

Mr Perks added: "It was a sexual video of the complainant and defendant, sent to her by the defendant."

The court heard the same friend received messages from Collyer warning "I will kill her" and "the next time you see your friend it will be in a hospital bed".

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Collyer, 22, of Newbolt Court, Felling, Gateshead, admitted two charges of harassment and one of disclosing a private sexual photograph with intent when he appeared before the court in Newcastle on July 7.

At the time of the offences Collyer, who has 29 previous convictions on his record, was on a community order for assault on two emergency workers after he threw punches at police while in custody.

Mr Recorder David Brooke QC sentenced Collyer to 12 months behind bars with a restraining order to keep him away from the woman indefinitely.The judge said Collyer's pattern of offending is "troubling" and the amount of chances he has been given to stay out of jail is "disturbing".

Tony Cornberg, defending, said Collyer is "highly intelligent" and has references to another, positive, side of his character.

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Mr Cornberg said Collyer blames "hanging around with the wrong people" for his offending.

The court heard Collyer had a troubled childhood and has sought help for his problems while in custody on remand.

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