Council gets £26,000 of government cash to help boost tourism

Coun Alan Kerr.Coun Alan Kerr.
Coun Alan Kerr.
Council bosses in South Tyneside are to receive £26,000 to keep visitors on the right track.

The cash, from the Government’s Coastal Revival Fund, comes after South Shields was chosen as one of 15 projects along the British coastline to share in a £700,000 fund to boost tourism in seaside areas.

In South Shields, the cash will be used for signs to provide better links between the town’s main visitor attractions in what could become a heritage trail.

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Councillor Alan Kerr, deputy leader of South Tyneside Council with responsibility for culture and leisure, said: “We are delighted to be awarded this money to enable us further develop the visitor experience for people coming to South Shields.

“The funding will help us to refine a signage strategy which could include proposals for a heritage trail using information boards and new signs to provide better links between South Shields riverside, the town centre and seafront attractions and direct visitors to places of interest and hidden gems.”

“That would make it easier for visitors to travel around the area and discover new sites while helping to showcase all we have to offer.

“The project would also build on the extensive investment already made in this area over recent years.

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“This includes the new Harton Quays Park on the riverside and work is also well underway to provide better links between Littlehaven and Sandhaven beaches and the creation of our new town centre cultural attraction The Word.”