Christmas cracker for schoolgirl as drawing wins national prize

Sasha with her winning design.Sasha with her winning design.
Sasha with her winning design.
Talented South Tyneside schoolgirl Sasha Kane has created a Christmas masterpiece to win a national digital drawing competition.

Her image of a snowman waiting by a gate on a snow-filled moonlit night – designed on a computer, using a special programme - was judged the best out of 10,000 entries.

To mark her success, the St Joseph’s RC Primary received 250 copies of her card.

Sasha was given 50 copies for friends and family.

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Sasha, 10, was also given a T-shirt with her design printed on it by competition organiser Purple Mash.

Judges praised her work.

A spokesman for organisers Purple Mash said: “Sasha has created a festive masterpiece.

“The symmetry and attention to detail are the best things about this card.

“Notice the little bird on the lamppost, and the perfectly decorated tree.”

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A spokesman for the school, in St Joseph’s Way, Hedworth, said: “We are understandably extremely proud of all our pupils and their achievements.

“This demonstrates the importance of the computing curriculum.

“Pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas, through information and communication technology.”

Pupils from the school’s Year 5 and Year 6 entered the online competition, hosted by Purple Mash.

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Purple Mash is an award-winning website for nursery and primary school children.

Its technologies enable youngsters to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way.

The competition challenged children to create a Christmas card design using 2Paint a Picture software.

All images were then submitted to the competition’s display boards for entrants and judges to view.

The favourite design as chosen from each of several boards by the Purple Mash team were then transformed into its official festive card.

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