Call for urgent crime crackdown at trouble-hit Metro station in South Shields

Chichester Metro stationChichester Metro station
Chichester Metro station
A call for action at a trouble-hit Metro station has been made in a bid to curb bad behaviour making residents and commuters lives a misery.

For years, Chichester Metro Station has been a hot spot for youths to gather.

Now, Coun Ed Malcolm says the time has come to “put this to bed” and that money needs to be found to redesign the concourse in a way that would deter youths from gathering there.

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Coun Ed MalcolmCoun Ed Malcolm
Coun Ed Malcolm

In recent months police, working alongside Nexus staff, have stepped up patrols and launched a number of operations to tackle the issue.

Engineers from South Tyneside Council have visited the area to look at ways to make it less appealing to youngsters, but due to lack of cash, work has been unable to be undertaken.

Coun Malcolm has called for the issue to be raised at a meeting of Labour Group to look at future spending plans to see if money can be redirected into funding the work.

Speaking at a recent Riverside Community Area Forum, Coun Malcolm said: “This is a problem which has been going on for a number of years. I passed there not so long ago and there was a congregation of youths.

Coun Ed MalcolmCoun Ed Malcolm
Coun Ed Malcolm

“Now, residents are getting their cars scratched.

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“We need to look at ways at making this area uncomfortable for these youths to hang around. Something needs to be done and sharpish.

“We need to be moving this forward. We have to be speaking to Labour group and putting this forward as a motion and demanding action at Chichester. We need to find the money to redesign this concourse.

“It’s about time we put this to bed.”

Pc Neil Watkin said: “We are aware of the issues around Chichester Metro and we have operations around that, which are ongoing.

“We recently went out with our partners from the council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Unit and Nexus, and there were a lot of tickets issued that night.

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“That particular night, there were no reports of anti-social behaviour.

“We have made arrests in relation to the anti-social behaviour and formal action has been taken in the past.

We have increased patrols in and around that area, and are looking at what can be done longer term.”

A Nexus spokesman said it is more high visibility patrols, adding: “The police are aware of the issues at Chichester Metro station. This will not be tolerated and every effort is being made to address the issue.”