Bungling South Shields burglar with 90-plus convictions is jailed for OAP jewellery raid

David Moore.David Moore.
David Moore.
A serial burglar who raided the home of a 75-year-old woman is behind bars after he left his own blood at the scene.

David Moore cut himself when he smashed a kitchen window and patio doors at the house, where he stole over £1,500 of precious jewellery and personal belongings and covered the floors with muddy footprints.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the victim had been out with her family for just two hours when her Jarrow home was targeted on November 21 last year.

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Prosecutor Harry Hadfield told the court: "The defendant was caught, principally, because his blood was left at the scene and that matched his DNA."

The 33-year-old raider, of Laybourne Gardens, South Shields, who has convictions for 90 previous offences, including house raids, admitted burglary.

Mr Hadfield said the break-in and the loss of sentimental keepsakes has had a bad effect on the pensioner.

He told the court: "She said as soon as she realised she had been burgled she began to shake.

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"She is afraid to leave the house in case something like this happens again.

"She said she feels numb and is has made her feel extremely vulnerable.

"There has been some planning here, the complainant had left the property for about two hours and that was the window of opportunity for this burglary.

"This is a vulnerable victim and she has been targeted."

Miss recorder Sophie Drake sentenced Moore to three-and-a-half years behind bars.

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The judge told him: "You know, because you have committed burglaries before, what a mean offence burglaries are and how they leave people feeling very vulnerable in the very place where they should feel secure."

Jennifer Coxon, defending, said Moore had found work away from the area and turned his back on crime but got back in with the "wrong crowd" when he returned home due to family tragedies and ended up on a "downward spiral".

Miss Coxon said: "His lifestyle is just chaotic.

"He has a horrendous record and he accepts that."

Miss Coxon said the burglary victim's jewellery was sold to fund Moore's "habit", which he is sorry about, and that he has now sought professional help to deal with his problems.

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