Blood, sweat and tears - town's work ethic over centuries brought to life in new book

Reproduction of the Anglo Saxon Thirlings Hall at JarrowReproduction of the Anglo Saxon Thirlings Hall at Jarrow
Reproduction of the Anglo Saxon Thirlings Hall at Jarrow
The work life of people in Jarrow throughout the centuries is being brought to life in a new book.

Keen photographer and historian Paul Perry has pulled together a collection of images to take readers through the work done by people in the town through the ages - right back to the 5th century.

The latest book - called Jarrow at Work - launched by the father-of-two centres charts Jarrow’s industrial heritage - from the times of the Anglo-Saxons to the present day.

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Images from the fifth century were re-created with help from staff and volunteers at the Anglo-Saxon Farm Village in Church Bank, Jarrow.

Mr Perry, from Raby Gardens, Jarrow, has been collecting old photographs of the area since 1966 and has a collection of thousands of images.

Over the years,he has had a number of books published based on the history of Jarrow.

He said: “There are images from my collection, but I have also had input from the Port of Tyne and Nissan - which was invaluable in helped to bring it up to date.

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“I have also had a lot of help from Bede Monastery and the Anglo-Saxon Farm Village.

“Without all the artefacts they have at the farm and museum, I wouldn’t have been able to complete the book.”

The book features how people of Jarrow earned a living dating back to the Anglo-Saxons, how the Monks lived and worked, then the reformation of the Monasteries under the ruling of King Henry VIII.

The book, published by Amberley, will be available to buy later this month from Waterstones, Jarrow library and other book stores.

People can also purchase them direct from Mr Perry by calling 07881 747 507; 0191 422 1131 or emailing [email protected] More information is also available by visiting