Big Pink Dress fundraiser reveals new London Marathon frock

Big Pink Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews shows off his new dress for the London Marathon to pupils at Harton Village Kindergarten.Big Pink Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews shows off his new dress for the London Marathon to pupils at Harton Village Kindergarten.
Big Pink Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews shows off his new dress for the London Marathon to pupils at Harton Village Kindergarten.
Big Pink Dress charity champion Colin Burgin-Plews has revealed his latest fundraising frock - which pays tribute to a young couple from South Tyneside who died in the Manchester bomb outrage.

The 49-year-old from Talbot Road in South Shields, will take on the London Marathon in three weeks time in aid of the charity, Breast Cancer Now.

Once again, he will take on the 26-mile feat on Sunday, April 22, wearing a bright pink dress - his third London Marathon.

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Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.
Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.

This year’s frock, made by Colin himself, is covered in memorial ribbons including one in to commemorate South Shields couple Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry who lost their lives in the terror attack last year.

Colin said: “The training is going amazingly well and I am the best I have been for ages.

“I have been running 15 to 18 miles and train with a weight on my back to simulate the weight of the dress. I don’t think I have ever done it dressed as a normal person!”

Colin was inspired to start fundraising for UK breast cancer research charity Breast Cancer Now, after his wife’s friend was diagnosed with the illness.

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Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.
Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.

Last week Colin unveiled his newest dress to pupils at Harton Village Kindergarten, in South Shield, where he works.

This year’s dress weighs a staggering 30 pounds but isconsiderably lighter than his 2017 Great North Run effort - which saw the skirt covered in more than 100 flowers and weighed in at over three stone.

Colin, who is dad to Ollie, 19, added: “The kids loved the dress.

“It has taken a while to make as it is covered in ribbons, some of which are for Chloe and Liam.

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Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.
Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.

“Last year’s dress took forever to make and this year’s took three weeks.

“I have over 100 dresses in the loft now!”

Colin, who has taken on the London Marathon twice before, will be travelling down to the capital solo to take part in the race to spare his wife Cath the pain of having to see him suffer.

He broke two toes on his right foot in a previous event.

Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.
Pink Big Dress fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews models his new dress.

Colin, who will turn 50 this year, said: “She hated watching me in pain.
“It took me seven hours to finish that race and she didn’t want to watch it again in case.

“I feel really good about the marathon and I have raised over £3,000 so far.

“I will be doing a bucket collection on the way round and hope to raise a further £1,000.

“It should be good fun.”