Best of British at South Shields care home's tea party

The Best of British party taking place at Garden Hill care home in Westoe.The Best of British party taking place at Garden Hill care home in Westoe.
The Best of British party taking place at Garden Hill care home in Westoe.
Residents, staff and guests at a care home in Westoe celebrated all things '˜Best of British'.

A Royal Community Tea Party was held at Garden Hill in honour of the Queen’s birthday and National Care Home Open Day.

Garden Hill, located on St Michaels Avenue, and which offers nursing and residential care to for up to 38 elderly people, served up a selection of refreshments, cakes and snacks at an all-day tea party at the home which was open to guests from the community free of charge.

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The home also had a British-themed live music concert for guests in their gardens alongside a selection of stalls and themed games throughout the day.

The event was part of National Care Home Open Day, which aims to encourage care homes across the nation to connect with their local community and build meaningful relationships with people in their area, and also to celebrate in conjunction with the Queen’s recent 92nd birthday.

Denise Peel, the home manager at Garden Hill, said: “We’ve all had a wonderful day. Everyone was looking forward to the tea party in the run up to the event so we’re so pleased it was such a success.”

“We believe it’s important that people living in care homes get to maintain an active role in the local community and events like National Care Home Open Day are a great opportunity to build relationships with people in the local area.”