Backing for South Shields MP after resigning from shadow minister position over Brexit

Emma Lewell-BuckEmma Lewell-Buck
Emma Lewell-Buck
The South Tyneside Momentum branch says it will continue its 'unwavering support' of South Shields MP Emma Lewell-Buck after she resigned from her shadow minister position.

She has received support following her decision from the South Tyneside Momentum who say she has 'stood by her principles'.

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A spokesman for the branch said: "We at South Tyneside Momentum are saddened that Emma has resigned her post however we respect and understand her reasons for doing so.

"Since the referendum Emma has consistently engaged with local Labour Party members and constituents and has given them the opportunity to share their views and has engaged in fair and balanced debate on this issue.

"Emma stood on a manifesto that promised to respect the outcome of the result and in voting to oppose a second referendum she has done just that. Emma stood by her principles and broke the whip to vote against an amendment which was in support of a second referendum.

"Emma has on many occasions stated she is against a second referendum which is in line with the majority of South Shields constituents who overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU.

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"As an ex Child Protection Social Worker Emma was ideally suited in her role as Shadow Minister for Children and Families and during her time in this post she worked tirelessly for the benefit of vulnerable children and spoke many times against the Government's harsh policies.

"Among many of the successes from the Shadow Front Bench, she was successful in changing the Government's direction heading towards privatisation of children's social services.

"We will continue to give her our unwavering support and thank her for her continued work representing the people of South Shields."