Awards presentations of the past

Members of De La Salle Youth Club, South Shields, with their Duke of Edinburgh gold awards in July 1983.Members of De La Salle Youth Club, South Shields, with their Duke of Edinburgh gold awards in July 1983.
Members of De La Salle Youth Club, South Shields, with their Duke of Edinburgh gold awards in July 1983.
We feature a plethora of worthy winners today, from schoolboys to cadets and Duke of Edinburgh gold award recipients.

And each person pictured was sure to have been justifiably proud of their achievements when the photographer caught up with them in the 1960s and 1980s.

Suitably attired in suits, uniforms, ‘Sunday best’ and even a kilt and sporran, they were pictured at Buckingham Palace and here on South Tyneside.

How many of the faces do you recognise?

Being presented with any award is a proud, yet understandably nervous, moment. What was the most memorable award you were presented with over the years?