As man shot by police in South Shields fights for his life, readers give their views

James Wilson, inset, is fighting for his life after being shot by armed police in Frenchmans Way, South Shields.James Wilson, inset, is fighting for his life after being shot by armed police in Frenchmans Way, South Shields.
James Wilson, inset, is fighting for his life after being shot by armed police in Frenchmans Way, South Shields.
The shooting of a man by armed police in a South Shields street has sparked a debate among Gazette readers.

James Carlo Wilson is fighting for his life after he was shot by police in Frenchmans Way, Horsley Hill, in the early hours of Tuesday.

Mr Wilson, 24, has had surgery after the officer’s bullet went through his liver and caused damage to his lung.

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The shooting is being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which says a “non-police weapon” was recovered from the scene.

Mr Wilson, who is known to police, is being treated at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary, where his condition is described as “critical but stable”.

Scores of people have left comments on the Gazette’s Facebook site – many saying the police were only doing their job.

Ezmerellda Parker Manley says she believes officers were doing their job, but is hoping Mr Wilson recovers.

She wrote: “Here’s hoping he makes a full recovery.

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“I feel sorry for his family, they must be going through absolute hell right now.

“The police have a job to do.”

Kayleigh Olsen says she has sympathy towards the officer who fired the shot.

She said: “I feel for the armed response officer who has been put in the situation of having to make that shot.

“Although they are trained for this, it’s not every day that this training will have to be put in to action.”

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Phil O’Malley also pointed out that the police were just doing their job.

He said: “The police are doing their job to defend people. If they hadn’t shot him, who knows what could have happened.

“The police were right to defend themselves and others.”

Linda Wood wrote: “In today’s society we can’t take chances. Police did their job. Let it be a warning to others.”

Kris Campbell wrote, “The police deserve credit for this whole incident. In the first instance for confronting him, then not killing him with their shot.

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“Within a minute of pulling the trigger they were administering first aid. Their actions are the reason he has at least a fighting chance.”

Jeff Houghton wrote: “I grew up in this area and have family and friends who still live in this area, so I applaud the police for having to take the drastic action they did.”

The IPCC is appealing for anyone who saw or heard any part of the shooting to get in touch with information.

They should contact by calling on 0800 015 4877 or emailing [email protected]

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