All on track at new Jarrow sports centre

Building contractor ENGIEs assistant site manager Matthew Quigley with Coun Alan Kerr and apprentices.Building contractor ENGIEs assistant site manager Matthew Quigley with Coun Alan Kerr and apprentices.
Building contractor ENGIEs assistant site manager Matthew Quigley with Coun Alan Kerr and apprentices.
Your comments on our stories get things done. Gazette readers have had plenty to say about leisure facilities in the borough '“ and South Tyneside Council bosses have been listening.

Today, Coun Alan Kerr, deputy leader outlines the council’s plans for Jarrow Hub.

Work to transform a popular Jarrow community facility is continuing at pace.

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The £3m revamp of Jarrow Hub will see the current community centre in Cambrian Street transformed to create a multi-purpose leisure facility, incorporating a new library.

The redevelopment project involves the redesigning of the existing gym, sports hall, dance studios and theatre space as well as refurbished toilets and changing facilities.

Coun Alan Kerr, deputy leader of South Tyneside Council with responsibility for culture and leisure, joined representatives from the company to look at how the building is shaping up.

He said: “I am delighted to see we are making good progress on enhancing this valuable community asset right in the heart of Jarrow.

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“The improvements aim to revitalise the facility, help to broaden its appeal and create a vibrant social venue for local people and help enhance the health and wellbeing of both residents and visitors.

“We have listened to what people have to say and the work forms part of the council’s vision for sustainable leisure and community facilities. They follows on from recent improvements in the service such as the opening of Hebburn Central.”

When complete, the new glazed entrance lobby will lead to a new reception and open plan library with a new sports hall and gymnasium also on the ground floor and the redeveloped theatre and dance studios on the floors above.

The new look building is set to re-open later in the year.