Virus hit cancer treatment times in South Tyneside

The COVID-19 crisis has hit cancer treatment times in South TynesideThe COVID-19 crisis has hit cancer treatment times in South Tyneside
The COVID-19 crisis has hit cancer treatment times in South Tyneside
The coronavirus crisis has led to fewer patients starting treatment for cancer at hospitals in South Tyneside and Sunderland, new figures reveal.

NHS England data shows 163 patients started treatment for cancer at South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust in August – eight fewer than the 171 in the same month last year but well up on the 108 who were seen in May.

The figures also show that, of the patients in South Tyneside and Sunderland who started treatment in August, all but two did so within one month of their diagnosis – that 98.8% figure beating the NHS target of 96%.

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Dr Shaz Wahid, medical director at the Trust, said: “Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we have continued to prioritise all urgent cancer treatments and I want to reassure everyone that the NHS is still very much here for people going through such life changing illness.

“Whilst we continue to work through what is a very challenging period for the NHS, 98.8% of our cancer patients received treatment within a month of diagnosis in August.

“We apologise to anyone whose care and treatment has been impacted over recent months. Our teams remain absolutely committed to ensuring that all of our patients receive high quality, safe care and we are extremely grateful for the support we have received throughout the pandemic.”

Macmillan Cancer Support says the continued disruption to cancer treatment caused by Covid-19 is traumatising patients, as a second wave threatens further setbacks.

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Nationally, 20,200 patients started cancer treatment in August – 5,500 fewer than 25,800 a year earlier.

Sara Bainbridge, head of policy at Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “Disruption to cancer diagnosis and treatment is having a traumatic impact on patients’ lives and fears are growing that rising Covid-19 rates could have an impact on already fragile cancer services.

“It is critical the Government urgently puts plans and resources in place to increase capacity and protect the NHS from further disruption, as we stare down the barrel of a second coronavirus wave.”

An NHS spokesman said: “Cancer and screening services are open, ready and able to receive patients so anyone who is concerned about a possible cancer symptom should contact their GP immediately.”