50th baby born at South Tyneside midwifery birthing centre

Grace Tracey DukeGrace Tracey Duke
Grace Tracey Duke
The midwifery-led birthing centre at South Tyneside District Hospital has celebrated its 50th birth since opening in the summer.

Grace Tracey Duke was born at 8.41pm on Saturday, November 2nd, weighing 6lb 3oz - the first child for Chelsea Duke, 18, of Whitburn, and her partner, Cameron, 19.

Delighted Chelsea, who had a water birth, said: “It was a really calm experience and the staff were lovely. Cameron was there and he also thought it was fantastic. Grace is doing great and we’re over the moon.”

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Jacqui Ramshaw, midwife and manager of the centre, said: "We're thrilled to have had our 50th birth in our new centre and wish Chelsea, Cameron and Grace all the very best for the future.

“The feedback we’re getting from our new parents is overwhelmingly positive; they say they love the relaxing environment and appreciate the support and care of our midwifery team. Water births are proving particularly popular, with our number currently running at around three times the national average.”

The opening of the midwifery-led birthing centre in August has meant more choice on where to give birth for local women across South Tyneside and Sunderland.

Women who have a high risk pregnancy – expecting twins, their baby is in the breech position, or if they have experienced complications in this or a previous pregnancy, are advised to give birth in the consultant-led unit at Sunderland Royal Hospital.

The majority of all antenatal and postnatal care continues to be provided locally.